About the Caribbean Digital Transformation Project

Project Overview

To provide support to persons and businesses who are willing to invest in providing the supporting environment to private sector actors in going digital.

This project has been seen to be very timely for Grenada in the face of increased unemployment, mainly due to the decline of the agricultural, tourism and construction industries. This drastic deterioration in the different sectors was as a result of the deadly COVID-19 Virus which has impacted negatively Grenada's economy. The outbreak has had an especially severe impact on small businesses with their owners struggling and unsure if they will have anything to return to once the crisis has passed. One of Grenada’s main strategies is to recognize the development of the digital economy as critical to Grenada's prosperity and as a means of increasing more opportunities access for younger persons.

CARDTP's aim through its Technology Adoption Grant Mechanism to provide support to persons and businesses who are willing to invest in providing the supporting environment to private sector actors in going digital. As a priority, CARDTP would support start-up and existing projects that seek to create the ecosystem to support the digital system. Emphasis and priority would be given to women in ICT. Projects that focus on process digitization, cashless transactions and income generation through new digital platforms. Grenada needs a number of key players as well as a talented pool of digitally skilled workers to help transforms from traditional arena to a more digital environment. Furthermore, residents must be equipped with the necessary skills to use the digital services that are being produced.

The ICT sector has been earmarked as one of the priority areas for focus by the Government of Grenada. ICT being one of the fastest growing sectors in the world has also impacted on the island state of Grenada, with the telecommunications sector being identified as one of the main growth areas in Grenada. The Government of Grenada has allocated a USD$0.5 million as matching grants to stimulate micro, small and medium core ICT enhancement businesses that can support the digital transformation as well as provide Technology Adoption of Cashless payment systems.

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