Caribbean Digital Transformation Project

Increasing access to Digital Services, Technologies and Skills by Governments, Businesses and Individuals.

Digital Skills Training

Learn Today's Most In-Demand Skills with our FREE Online Courses

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Technology Adoption

To better equip individuals and businesses across the region for the jobs and economy of the future and to spur innovation and productivity growth.

Welcome to the Digital Skills Training Program!


The Digital Skills Training Program is designed to empower individuals with foundational digital literacy and application-specific training.

We're excited to introduce you to the Digital Skills Training Program, a collaborative initiative between the Caribbean Digital Transformation Project (CARDTP) and the Grenada National Training Agency (NTA). Our aim is to equip Grenadian citizens with essential digital literacy and skills necessary to thrive in today's digital world.

About the Program

Through this program, participants will learn:

  • Basic Computer Skills: Learn to use basic computer hardware and software.

  • Internet Skills: Learn how to use the internet to access online resources .

  • Digital Security: Understand how to protect your personal information and devices.

  • Communication through digital tools: Learn how to use digital tools to communicate with others.

In today's interconnected world, digital skills are more important than ever. They open doors to new opportunities, enhance communication, and facilitate efficient utilization of technology. By investing in digital skills development, individuals can enhance their employability, contribute to economic growth, and participate more fully in the digital economy.

How to Enroll?

Interested individuals can enroll for the Digital Skills Training Program by clicking below:


The Digital Skills Training Program is made possible through the collaboration between CARDTP and NTA. Operating costs are covered by CARDTP, ensuring that participants can access training FREE of cost.