Terms and Conditions of the CARDTP Grant

Applicants are required to submit accurate and complete applications within the specified deadline, adhering to predefined criteria. Shortlisted candidates will undergo mandatory training sessions before submitting grant applications, including comprehensive business plans and financial projections. All relevant documents must be provided as requested, failure to do so may result in disqualification. Final shortlisted candidates will be notified, and decisions made by the selection committee are final. Grant recipients must execute their projects within 6 months of being awarded the grant and comply with all terms, conditions, and reporting requirements outlined in the grant agreement. Any amendments to the terms and conditions will be communicated promptly. Below is a detailed overview of the terms and conditions associated with the grant:

1. Agreement Period

The grant agreement is effective from the date of signature and remains for 6 months.

2. Conduct of the Project and Eligible Activities

  • The recipient must adhere to all terms and conditions outlined in the grant agreement and its annexed attachments.

  • Records of all transactions related to the grant must be maintained for three years following the final milestone payment.

  • CARDTP or its donor, The World Bank, reserves the right to review these records if discrepancies are suspected.

  • CARDTP will not reimburse any expenditure exceeding the agreed amount or incurred outside the grant period.

  • Written approval from the CARDTP Project Manager is required for any modifications to the project activities, grant amount, milestones, or the completion date.

3. Notification of Status Change

The recipient is required to promptly notify CARDTP of any changes in status or circumstances that might impact their ability to fulfill the agreement or execute the project.

4. Eligible Expenditure

  • Grant funds must be utilized solely for expenditures deemed eligible under the terms of this agreement.

  • Costs funded by other sources will not qualify as eligible expenditures under this program.

5. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property developed through this grant remains the property of the grantee.

6. Grant Recipient’s Contribution

The recipient is responsible for funding all project-related expenditures not covered by the grant.

7. Repayment of Grant Funds

CARDTP may demand repayment of all or part of the funds if the recipient breaches the agreement terms, fails to use the funds as stipulated, or undergoes a significant change in ownership that affects project execution.

8. Monitoring Progress and Reporting

  • Regular progress meetings will be conducted to discuss project performance, with the recipient required to address any queries from CARDTP.

  • The recipient must also submit ad hoc reports as requested by CARDTP, detailing employment figures and other relevant project metrics.